The New 20% Pass-Through Tax Deduction: An Advisor’s Guide
February 23, 2018
Highlighting Tax Law Changes Abbreviated
The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” a 1,097-page bill, should provide a boost to the U.S. economy and bring relief to many taxpayers. However, not everyone will benefit. In this post, I will highlight a few of the changes and discuss its potential impact.
December 21, 2017
3 Simple Ways to Maximize Your Social Security
A big picture look at over 2,500 core rules within the Social Security Program.
December 19, 2017
College Visits – and why it’s never too soon!
College Visits – and why it’s never too soon!
October 26, 2017
7 Retirement Challenges Women Are Facing
When it comes to retirement, women are in even more trouble than men, says a new study.
October 20, 2017
Which colleges are you dating?
Students need to decide how much energy they want to invest in these relationships and this blog post will help you understand the relationship cycle.
November 16, 2016
Financial Risk Tolerance: How to Determine Yours and What it Means
Like with most advanced financial concepts, not many people are familiar with financial risk tolerance. But it’s critical that everyone who wants to invest money understand how risky they are by nature – especially when it comes to finances.
June 16, 2016
Why We Started The ROI Group
If you’ve ever sat down with a financial planning adviser, life insurance salesman, or business consultant, you’ll know where we’re coming from – and why we launched The ROI Group for individuals, families, and businesses. While we personally know and have worked with many honest, hard-working, talented professionals in each of these business categories, we’ve […]