Like with most advanced financial concepts, not many people are familiar with financial risk tolerance. But it’s critical that everyone who wants to invest money understand how risky they are by nature – especially when it comes to finances.
September 15, 2016
How to Quickly Tell if You’re on the Right Financial Path
When we first meet with individuals and families about their finances, we typically sense apprehension and nervousness. Many times people have met with financial planners who have sounded like used car salesmen trying to recommend insurance policies right away. In some cases, people are looking to replace financial advisors who just haven’t performed well or who […]
August 2, 2016
What is Income Insurance?
You have no doubt heard of – and probably own – health insurance, auto insurance, and homeowner’s or rent insurance. You might even have life insurance. And maybe your parents purchased some form of long term care insurance. But have you ever heard of income insurance? We didn’t think so. That’s because this type of […]
June 16, 2016
Why We Started The ROI Group
If you’ve ever sat down with a financial planning adviser, life insurance salesman, or business consultant, you’ll know where we’re coming from – and why we launched The ROI Group for individuals, families, and businesses. While we personally know and have worked with many honest, hard-working, talented professionals in each of these business categories, we’ve […]